In addition to having recently successfully defended her dissertation, Christine was recently given the Suddath award to encourage graduate study in the biosciences and the molecular or cellular level. Her first place finish offers yet another piece of evidence that she is a rising star in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. 
Christine arrived at Georgia Tech with a NSF Graduate Fellowship. She is a student in the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (working in the lab of Professor Martha Grover). In addition to several other publications, Christine’s thesis research was recently published in Nature Chemistry. Her paper demonstrated that viscous solvents provide a new model for prebiotic replication of nucleic acids. The work has been described as ‘dramatically changing the perspective of Origin of Life research’, and was highlighted in the Washington Post. 
Christine has also made substantial contributions to the CCE's Broader Impacts efforts. She helped develop the RETROSYN aerial dance concept, designed a mural, and played a vital leadership role in the organization of a host of outreach events.
We wish Christine all the best as she moves on to the next step in her careerr. Dr. He is bound for UC Berkeley where she will be working as a postdoctoral scholar. 

He Wins Suddath Award