The Center for Chemical Evolution is searching for molecules and reactions responsible for the initial synthesis and evolution of the polymers associated with life. This question poses intellectual and technical challenges. CCE researchers hypothesize that, while the first biopolymers may have resembled those known in life today, they would need unique properties to survive, flourish, and evolve on the early Earth. These proto-biopolymers and the environments where they emerged define the Center for Chemical Evolution’s research themes.
Proto-Nucleic Acids
The RNA World hypothesis, which suggests early life relied on RNA’s ability to store genetic information as well as perform catalytic functions to exist, is central to many current theories...
Although polysaccharides represent the largest class of biopolymers (by mass), there have been very few investigations into the origins...
Although experiments by Miller in the 1950’s revealed the formation of a number of amino acids, a means to the efficient formation of peptides on the early Earth...
Prebiotic Building Blocks and Alternative Environments
The reactions being investigated in each of the three biopolymer-focused Themes require the development of analytical tools and techniques...